2024-2025 School year Application notice for New Student


  1. 家長可於辦公時間內,親身到本校取表及遞表。
  2. 遞交文件:
    2.1 入學申請表
    按此下載《 2024-2025年度插班生入學申請表》
    2.2 兒童出生證明或居港證明副本一份
    2.3 兒童健康院針卡副本一份
    2.4 港幣40元報名費
  3. 辦公時間︰星期一至五上午9:00至11:30及下午1:30至4:00。星期六上午9:00-12:30,星期六下午、星期日及公眾假期休息。
  4. 面試日期︰個別通知
  5. 入學年齡︰
    子女出生年份 申請入讀班級 入學年齡
    2019年12月31日前 高班 2024年9月入學時滿4歲8個月
    2020年12月31日前 低班 2024年9月入學時滿3歲8個月
    2021年12月31日前 幼兒班 2024年9月入學時滿2歲8個月
  6. 注意事項:
    • 學生必須有文件証明子女可在香港居住的居留証明文件。
    • 如遞交的入學申請文件並未齊全,則未能辦理入學申請手續。
    • 已取入學申請表,但尚未遞交任何文件者,本校將不會安排面試。
    • 遞交入學申請文件後,本校會致電通知安排面試時間,如子女未能出席,則當作自動放棄,有關入學申請將被取消,如之後有意再申請則需重新辦理及繳交報名費。
    • 學生面試後一星期內,本校將會通知家長面試結果,有需要時校方會決定是否安排第二次面試。
    • 如學生已有親兄或親姐就讀本校或在本校畢業,請於表內列明。
    • 取錄後請家長帶同「註冊證或入學許可證 」及註冊費(半日班$900/全日班$1500)到校辦理註冊手續,如逾期仍未辦理註冊手續,則當作自動放棄學位,放棄的學位將由下一位補上。

2024-2025 School year Application notice for New Student

    1. Collection and Distribution Period: Obtain from school in person during  office hours. Return of application form: Submit the application form in person with the documents required during office hours.

2. Required Documents:
2.1 Application form

Download《 2024-2025 Application form》
2.2 Copy of your child’s birth certificate and a photocopy of relevant documentation showing your child has approval from the Director of Immigration to reside and study in Hong Kong if he/she is born outside of Hong Kong.
2.3 Copy of  child’s vaccination record including the cover page.
2.4 Application fee $40

3.Office hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:00A.M. to 11:30A.M. or 1:30P.M. to 4:00P.M.

Saturday: 9:00A.M. to 12:30P.M. , close at Saturday afternoon, Sunday and public holidays.

4.The date of interview: Further notice

  1. Application for Admission to Kindergarten for Academic Year 2024-2025 on September
    Day of Birth Application classes Age Requirement
    Born on or before 31st December 2019 Upper Class (K3) 4 years and 8 months old before September 2024
    Born on or before 31st December 2020 Lower Class (K2) 3 years and 8 months old before September 2024
    Born on or before 31st December 2021 Nursery Class (K1) 2 years and 8 months old before September 2024
  2. Note:
  • Parents must have documents to prove that their  children can live in Hong Kong.
  • If the submitted admission application documents are not complete, you will not be able to complete the admission application procedures.
  • If you have already taken the application form but have not submitted any documents, our school will not arrange an interview.
  • After submitting the admission application documents, the school will call to inform you to arrange the interview time. If the child fails to attend, it will be deemed to have been given up automatically, and the relevant admission application will be cancelled.
  • Within one week after the child’s interview, the school will notify the parents of the result of the interview, and the school will decide whether to arrange a second interview if necessary.
  • If the student has a brother or sister enrolled in or graduated from this school, please list it in the table.
  • After admission, parents are requested to bring their “Registration Certificate or Admission Pass” and the registration fee ($900 for half-day classes/$1500 for full-day classes) to the school to complete the registration procedures. If the registration procedure is not completed before the expiry date, the place will be deemed to have been abandoned automatically, and the abandoned place will be replaced by the next person.